The function of a flywheel is? Mark as favorite Copy Link to convert reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion to convert rotary motion of the crankshaft into to and fro motion of the valve rod to prevent fluctuation of speed to keep the engine speed uniform at all load conditions Check Answer
All steam engines work on? Mark as favorite Copy Link Zeroth law of thermodynamics First law of thermodynamics Second law of thermodynamics none of these Check Answer
The chimney draught varies with? Mark as favorite Copy Link climatic conditions temperature of furnace gases height of chimney all of these Check Answer
In a glass tube type water indicator for a boiler, one end of the tube is connected to wat space and the other end is connected to? Mark as favorite Copy Link water space also chimney steam space superheater Check Answer
The selection of type and size of a steam boiler depends upon? Mark as favorite Copy Link the power required and working pressure the geographical position of the power house the fuel and water available all of the above Check Answer
The average operating pressure of Benson boiler is? Mark as favorite Copy Link 100 bar 150 bar 200 bar 250 bar Check Answer
When the speed of the crankshaft is between 100 r.p.m. and 250 r.p.m., the engine said to be a? Mark as favorite Copy Link slow speed engine medium speed steam engine high speed steam engine none of these Check Answer
A device used in a boiler to control the flow of steam from the boiler to the main pipe and to shut off the steam completely when required, is known as? Mark as favorite Copy Link blow off cock fusible plug superheater stop valve Check Answer
The actual power generated in the engine cylinder is called? Mark as favorite Copy Link indicated power brake power frictional power none of these Check Answer
The efficiency of a boiler is defined as? Mark as favorite Copy Link ratio of heat actually used in producing steam to the heat liberated in the furnace ratio of the mass of steam produced to the mass of total water supplied in a given time ratio of the heat liberated in the furnace to the heat actually used in producing steam none of the above Check Answer