Voltage regulation obtained by synchronous impedance method is? Mark as favorite Copy Link equal to that given by actual tests less than that given by actual tests more than that given by actual tests none of the above Check Answer
If the input to the prime mover of an alternator is kept constant but the excitation is changed then? Mark as favorite Copy Link the power factor of the load remains constant the reactive component of the output is changed the active component of the output is changed none of the above Check Answer
Large-diameter salient-pole rotors have short axial length mainly because? Mark as favorite Copy Link it occupies much less space it reduces rotor weight number of armature conductors held in the large circumference rotor being very large, they need not belong it saves lot of copper in stator winding Check Answer
One of the super-thermal power stations is being located at? Mark as favorite Copy Link Panipat Haridwar Farraka U.P. Check Answer
For parallel operation, A.C. polypbase alternators must have the same? Mark as favorite Copy Link kVA rating excitation speed voltage rating Check Answer
Which of the following methods is best for finding the voltage regulation? Mark as favorite Copy Link Synchronous impedance method M.M.F. method Potier triangle method All are equally good Check Answer
Due to which of the following reasons concentrated windings are not used in alternators? Mark as favorite Copy Link Concentrated windings increase voltage harmonics Concentrated windings decrease induced e.m.f./phase Concentrated windings increase copper-to-iron ratio thereby decreasing the capacity Concentrated windings require deep slots for accommodation which leads to increased armature leakage and reactance Check Answer
Salient pole type alternators are generally used on? Mark as favorite Copy Link low voltage alternators hydrogen cooled prime movers high speed prime movers low and medium speed prime movers Check Answer
ln case of a uniformly distributed winding, the value of distribution factor is? Mark as favorite Copy Link 0.65 0.76 0.85 0.995 Check Answer
Regulation of an alternator supplying leading load is? Mark as favorite Copy Link always negative always positive sometimes positive and sometimes negative depending upon load and power factor All of the above Check Answer