A type of thermal metamorphism-in which high temperature fluids, liquids, and gases attack the surrounding rocks and induce certain changes in them – is known as? Mark as favorite Copy Link metasomatism load metamorphism clastic metamorphism none of the above Check Answer
Gabbro (silica 45-60%) is an example of? Mark as favorite Copy Link acidic igneous rocks basic igneous rocks ultra-basic igneous rocks sedimentary rocks Check Answer
Shale, Slate, Marble, Limestone, and Sandstones, etc., are? Mark as favorite Copy Link stratified rocks unstratified rocks foliated rocks none of the above Check Answer
The hade of the fault plane is its inclination with the? Mark as favorite Copy Link dip vertical horizontal none of the above Check Answer
A rain intervening the movement of a dust-ladden wind causes there finer sediments to settle down on the ground below. Loess is the term for the aeolian deposits which occur in many parts of the world. There known example can be found in? Mark as favorite Copy Link north India central Asia north China none of the above Check Answer
Malacnite has got a ……… structure? Mark as favorite Copy Link mammillary fibrous globular radiating Check Answer
Boghead coal is a variety of? Mark as favorite Copy Link Anthracite Lignite Bituminous coal none of the above Check Answer
Stones used for the construction of retaining walls must be? Mark as favorite Copy Link soft hard light heavy Check Answer
Maximum permissible water absorption values for Slate & Quartzite (in that order) are? Mark as favorite Copy Link 3% & 1% 1% & 3% 5% & 8% 8% & 7% Check Answer